Making the most of the Christmas experience!

Mindful Drinking this Christmas

Whilst this December is different to most, it’ll be nice to be celebrating the end of a tough year!
Recent research shows drinking during lockdown has been amplified by boredom and anxiety; It would be so easy to throw caution to the wind and say “Let’s go out with a bang!” and end up feeling exhausted, overwhelmed and suffering from what I’m affectionately calling “Fizz Frazzle”, as we rush around trying to have the ‘perfect’ Christmas!

So what three things can we do to avoid Fizz Frazzle? Here’s what we recommend at Mindful Sips.

  1. Get some alcohol free alternatives in your shopping.
    There’s never been a better time to try alcohol free drinks with a boom in the marketplace as demand for being hangover free has increased. Having a selection chilled and in your fridge, means it’s easy to make the choice to be mindful. You get to enjoy your drink, remember your evening, sleep well and wake up feeling refreshed and ready to go the next day too. Hurrah to that!
  1. Set some boundaries
    We’re not talking about ditching the booze, we’re just thinking about making mindful choices.  During the holiday season it’s easy to let the lines blur while one day rolls into another and we can let drinking alcohol creep into our daily routine. Keep alcohol in its place and set some firm boundaries about when and how much you plan to drink, then switch to alcohol free choices at other times.
  2. Re-think Wine O’Clock
    Are there other ways you could pass the time? It’s Christmas! Drive round and enjoy the twinkling lights with the kids, make cookies, watch a movie or doodle a giant Christmas scene together. Choosing alcohol free means you can really be in the moment making memories to share in years to come.

It’s been tough, there’s no denying that; but many of us have had some time to reflect and enjoy time spent with our families, we’ve re-discovered the joy of prioritizing being together. We’ve got some fabulous drinks alternatives on our website if you’re looking for inspiration or you can check out our top three recommendations for bubbles on our blog so you can really celebrate in style AND appreciate the special moments this Christmas! 

After the year we’ve had we all deserve a season of fun, laughter and connection with the people we love.

We have just the thing for you if you want to know more in our "All you need to know" guide. This 13 page e-book covers all our hints and tips on how to drink mindfully and avoid the hangovers. 

Including what you can choose instead of your favourite drinks, our top tips for staying on track and five Christmas classics that are easy to make at home too and so much more!
Experience joyful drinking during the festive season without all the hangovers; just happy moments made and remembered.

All this for less than the price of a large glass of wine!
You can grab your copy here!

Sit back and relax knowing you've got your Christmas drinking covered!


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