Menopause and Alcohol

Lockdown has been so tough on many of us and although for some, things appear to have an element of returning to normality, life is still squeuiff...

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Sober October or Sober-ish?

Wow, this year has had more than its fair share of challenges hasn't it?! But there are some amazing things going on and Sober October for...

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So what is the difference between Sober Curiosity and Mindful Drinking?

Awareness about being more mindful with our decisions of what to drink, how much and how often is becoming more prevalent as the media are catching...

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What does mindful drinking mean?

We're not going to tell you you need to stop drinking, we're not even going to bombard you with facts about why it might be right for you to drink...

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Tea Tuesday: Cool Camomile

Camomile tea has long since been used as a natural remedy.
It's the daisy like flowers that are used, they are usually dried and then rehydrated or...

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How to separate your week from your weekend during lock down

Is it just us or are all the days rolling into one? 

It feels like there is no clear definition between a week day and the weekend for many of...

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Is isolation the ideal time to explore alcohol free alternatives?

Many of us are now working from home in line with government guidelines and as a result have a little extra time on our hands as we don't have to...

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Go Easy! 5 Ways to be more mindful when drinking alcohol at home

You’re stuck at home, you’re stressed, and you’ve got a cupboard full of booze. It’s all too easy to get carried away while...

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Dry January - A Reflection

So we're at the end of January, a month when traditionally many of us pledge to be DRY for 31 days.

At the beginning of January I always like to...

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Avoid the chaos festive momentum can bring.

As we get closer to Christmas and we're rushing around trying to find those last minute bits and pieces, often the chaos and exhaustion can become...

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Pimp up your alcohol free drinks for the festive season!

So you fancy giving Mindful Drinking a go but you’re not sure what to choose or how to make your drinks look as pretty as the alcoholic...

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How to dodge Festive Fizz Frazzle

Are you a member of the “Can’t remember much of December” club?

I used to be a member and I call it this for two reasons....

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